About Us

We grow the ingredients
for your success.


Bean Growers Australia is a supplier of quality pulse and grain ingredients for international and Australian food manufacturers, re-packagers and retailers.

Bean Growers Australia is BRC and HACCP Food Safety Accredited.

We are your direct link to growers across Australia. Our sales and customer support teams work with companies of every scale to make sure you get the ingredients specific to your needs and when you need them.


Our BRC food safety accredited Quality Assurance team makes compliance easy no matter how complex your needs may be.

Bean Growers Australia supplies our broad range of products all through the year, keeping your ingredients fresh for when you need them.


The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) defines a high level of benchmarks for safe food production.  The BRC global standard is one of the certifications that the GFSI acknowledges and is distinct from others in its precise and rigid requirements for food safety and hygiene.  Because the BRC standard is so demanding, there are less than 400 companies in Australia that have received certification. All of our products that are grown in Australia and processed at our site are covered under this certification.


The Bean Growers Difference

National Sales Manager, Stuart Ruthven, explains how having the best products in the market is just the beginning of the Bean Growers Australia story — it’s also about service, reliability and convenience.

Food Safety & Quality


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Members of:

Bean Growers Australia has a commitment to quality assurance at all stages of the production cycle - from the intake of raw farm produce through to supplying food processors.

It is this commitment to the production of top quality, food grade agricultural products that ensures Bean Growers Australia’s prominence in the 21st Century.

Our company policy is to produce a safe and wholesome quality product, which meets or exceeds the specifications of its intended use.

  • Management’s commitment is to direct staff to produce products that are, above all, safe for the designated intended uses. Further, our products must be wholesome, accurately described, meet importing country and domestic regulatory requirements, be traceable and conform with all legal requirements.

  • We are committed to the continual improvement of our quality system. This commitment will be achieved by ongoing training and supervision, the emphasis being on compliance with regulatory and customer requirements, as well as applying good manufacturing practices guided by both the global food standard BRCGS and HACCP principles.

  • The Quality Management System considers the current Business Plan and Quality Objectives to ensure it is appropriate to the purpose and context of the company’s strategic direction with reviews taking place periodically or as changes occur.

  • Relevant legislation and standards shall take precedence over any company procedure.

  • The Quality Objectives of the company shall be reviewed by management on a quarterly basis to ensure the fulfilment of all interested parties.

    Quality objectives shall be measured by the following standards*:

    Less than 1% product return annually for reasons relating to quality (by revenue or tonnage).

    Dispatched product to have zero defect rate for food safety related issues, as defined by the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Standard 1.1.1.

Our Workers

Bean Growers Australia is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all workers (including contractors and volunteers) as well as clients, visitors and members of the public. Hazards and risks to health and safety will be eliminated or minimised, as far as is reasonably practicable.

The responsibility for managing health and safety ultimately rests with the person in control of the business or undertaking (PCBU), directors and management. Workers and visitors to the site also have important responsibilities for health and safety in the workplace.

We are committed to complying with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, codes of practice and other safety guidance material.

Management will:

Ensure the business complies with all legislation relating to health and safety.

Eliminate or minimise all workplace hazards and risks as far as is reasonably practicable.

Provide information, instruction, and training to enable all workers to work safely.

Supervise workers to ensure work activities are performed safely.

·Consult with and involve workers on matters relating to health, safety, and wellbeing.

Provide appropriate safety equipment and personal protective equipment; and

Provide a suitable injury management and return to work program.

Workers will:

Take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others.

Follow safe work procedures, instructions, and rules.

Participate in safety training.

Report health and safety hazards.

Report all injuries, incidents and near misses.

Use safety equipment and personal protective equipment as instructed; and

Comply with any reasonable instructions, policies, and procedures.

 Visitors, Contractors and Suppliers will:

Take reasonable care for their own and others health and safety; and

Comply with any reasonable instructions, policies and procedures as outlined by a Bean Growers Australia staff member.

Understand that harassment and discrimination will directed toward our workers will not be tolerated.

Our goal is to provide a safe and healthy work environment that is free from workplace injury and illness. This will only be achieved through the participation, co-operation, and commitment of everyone in the workplace.

BGA Celebrates 60 years!

The BGA team recently unveiled a new sign celebrating 60 years of operation.

We thank all of our growers, customers, and vendors for your continued support.